Release Notes: Search for interesting collections on DocumentCloud
The MuckRock team is excited to introduce several new features in our transparency toolkit. Users can now easily search across all public projects, making it simpler to find relevant collections of documents.
Release Notes: Enhanced project management, an easier way to count pages and other MuckRock and DocumentCloud updates
In the last two weeks the MuckRock team released the ability to pin your projects on DocumentCloud, the ability to update your card on file without making a new purchase and several Add-On improvements including two new Add-Ons: OCR Scheduler and Page Counter.
Release Notes: The return of project embeds and much more on DocumentCloud
One of DocumentCloud’s marquee features has always been the ability to embed documents within articles and other webpages. Now you can embed whole collections of documents for readers to browse.
Pennsylvania’s state capital, facing costly improvements, looks to privatization of its water system
As part of MuckRock’s collaboration with Food & Water Watch, we’ve submitted a request to the City of Harrisburg to learn more about their plans and existing conversations with private water companies.
Digging Deeper: An investigation into corporate control of water
Food & Water Watch intern Gabrielle Rosenthal shares what she learned working on our project to look into water privatization across the country.
Food & Water Watch and MuckRock join together on a water privatization FOIA project
Today, Food & Water Watch and MuckRock are announcing a joint project to identify and shed a light on efforts to privatize the country’s public water systems. The organizations will be submitting public records requests to the largest water systems in the United States - from Puerto Rico to California and in between - looking for the latest corporate attempts to absorb community water supplies into their revenue streams.
Project Spotlight: The Community Justice Network
As the Community Justice Films Series aired its final film in Richmond last February, the assembled individuals and groups began thinking about how to harness the energy and lessons learned from the two-year-long program. Public records provided part of the answer.
Announcing the State of the State Public Records Laws Project
In a goal to arm requesters with knowledge, we’re launching a new project page hosting state-by-state public record law stories and key players fighting for transparency in those states.
Check out MuckRock’s new and improved Private Prison Project page
Want to stay up-to-date on how the incarceration industry is growing? Visit MuckRock’s Private Prison Project page and check out years’ worth of articles covering the micro to the macro.
MuckRock Release Notes: Confidently leaping ahead into Sunshine Week
To kick off Sunshine Week, a number of open issues finally closed, bugs quashed, and other improvements in our work to make transparency easier for everyone.