• The CIA's Halloween parties were lit

    The CIA’s Halloween parties were lit

    Memos found in the Central Intelligence Agency’s CREST database show the planning stages of the Agency’s annual Halloween party in 1980. If you were lucky enough to be guest list, then you were looking at an evening of cocktails, lively conversation, and of course, ferocious jelly-bean counting competition.

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  • "If You Don't Know, We'll Find Out" and other rejected CIA party themes

    “If You Don’t Know, We’ll Find Out” and other rejected CIA party themes

    Planning materials for the CIA’s 40th anniversary celebration released as part of the CREST database include a list of potential party themes and slogans. And while most of them are fairly straightforward, a few - like “We Have Met The Enemy, And He Is Still There” - stand out as downright bizarre.

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