• FBI bulletin concedes that conspiracy theories might be fueled in part by actual conspiracies

    FBI bulletin concedes that conspiracy theories might be fueled in part by actual conspiracies

    In a Federal Bureau of Intelligence bulletin dated May 30th, 2019, the FBI’s Phoenix Field Office warned that it was “Very Likely” that “Fringe Political Conspiracy Theories” such as Pizzagate and QAnon would eventually motivate its adherents to violence. Somewhat surprisingly, the bulletin later goes on to concede that the conspiratorial mindset underpinning such theories may be influenced by “the illegal, antidemocratic, or harmful activities by high level government officials and political elites” - also known as actual conspiracies.

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  • Read the FBI's guide to Mardi Gras

    Read the FBI’s guide to Mardi Gras

    In response to a FOIA request, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has released several years worth of Special Event Threat Assessments regarding Mardi Gras, which as the Bureau repeatedly reminds us “literally means ‘Fat Tuesday’.” These mostly redacted reports warn of potential danger from religious fundamentalists, white supremacists, and, oddly enough, Occupy Mardi Gras

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  • Using FOIA to sit in on Ben Carson's Bible study and provide better criminal justice oversight

    Using FOIA to sit in on Ben Carson’s Bible study and provide better criminal justice oversight

    Public records can help dig into policy makers at all levels, as well as help find out the truth on the ground. This week’s FOIA roundup shows how you can use requests to do the same no matter what subject you’re interested in.

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  • FBI leadership claimed Bureau was “almost powerless” against KKK, despite making up one-fifth of its membership

    FBI leadership claimed Bureau was “almost powerless” against KKK, despite making up one-fifth of its membership

    In testimony before the Church Committee, the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Deputy Director acknowledged that the Bureau at one point made up as much as one-fifth of the Klu Klux Klan’s total membership - but were still powerless to curtail the KKK’s violence. His testimony also acknowledged police participation in Klan violence, and that the Bureau had three times as many “ghetto informants” as they did those targeting white supremacist domestic terrorists.

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