Anarchy in the U.S. (with a side of molasses)
Boston’s Great Molasses Flood happened 100 years ago this month. While the cause of the accident turned out to be a faulty tank and warmer than average temperatures, initially reports blamed sinister anarchists intent on violence. A recent Federal Bureau of Investigation report on “Anarchist Extremism” shows just how little things have changed.
Homeland Security reports show overwhelming focus on violence from the left, while downplaying threat from white supremacists
Documents from Homeland Security-run fusion centers in California, Kentucky, and Nevada indicate that law enforcement often over-focuses on Antifa other leftist-aligned groups while downplaying the threat of white supremacist violence.
Read the CIA’s declassified report on the Italian pasta shortage
A formerly TOP SECRET bulletin from 1973 uncovered in the Central Intelligence Agency’s archives shows the CIA concerned that their long-backed political party in Italy, the Christian Democrats, had placed themselves in a precarious position amid a country-wide pasta shortage.
Homeland Security appears to prioritize cracking down on Antifa over Fascists
Based on a release from Homeland Security’s Northern California Regional Intelligence Center, law enforcement appear to prioritize cracking down on Antifa, rather than white supremacists or other Fascist groups.
Even amid emerging white supremacist threat, Homeland Security is still caught up on leftist groups
With the resurgence of the American left, we wanted to see whether or not any agencies were tracking the 2017 May Day demonstrations. Documents we received from the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis show that Antifa was specifically targeted and that DHS was sourcing its intelligence from a white supremacist website called “Occidental Dissent.”
FBI rejects request for ISIS fighter Jordan MacTaggart’s file on “open investigation” grounds
Brian Sparks’ FOIA request for the FBI’s file on an American anarchist killed while fighting the Islamic State was rejected on grounds that it was part of “pending or prospective law enforcement proceeding,” or the “open investigation” exemption. What that investigation is is anyone’s guess.