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Help explore Judi Bari’s 3,000+ page FBI file

Help explore Judi Bari’s 3,000+ page FBI file

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has released more than 3,000 pages of its files on the activist and Earth First! organizer Judi Bari, with more on the way. We need your help going through it.

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My FOIA request will outlive me

My FOIA request will outlive me

The good news is we found Frank Wilkinson’s 132,000 page Federal Bureau of Investigation file. The bad news is you probably won’t get a chance to read it.

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Project Spotlight: The Community Justice Network

Project Spotlight: The Community Justice Network

As the Community Justice Films Series aired its final film in Richmond last February, the assembled individuals and groups began thinking about how to harness the energy and lessons learned from the two-year-long program. Public records provided part of the answer.

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This week’s FOIA round-up: The Shutdown’s impact on immigration court, records show environmental agency pushed for prosecution of No More Deaths activists, and the NYPD holds on to protest photos

This week’s FOIA round-up: The Shutdown’s impact on immigration court, records show environmental agency pushed for prosecution of No More Deaths activists, and the NYPD holds on to protest photos

For this week’s FOIA round-up, a new report shows over 40,000 immigration hearings have been cancelled due to the government shutdown, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service pushed to have activists providing migrants with water prosecuted on environmental grounds, and recently released photos reveal that the New York Police Department might be in violation of its guidelines on protest surveillance.

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Where in the world is Frank Wilkinson's FBI file?

Where in the world is Frank Wilkinson’s FBI file?

When we first requested the 132,000 page Federal Bureau of Investigation file for activist Frank Wilkinson, the FBI first claimed they couldn’t find it, then directed us to the National Archives and Records Administration. But when NARA tracked down the file, it turned out to be empty. So where is it?

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4 Requests

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No Responsive Documents

Dennis Brutus

Nicholas Marritz sent this request to the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States of America