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The "Congolese SAM" and other lesser-known dangers of aerial reconnaissance

The “Congolese SAM” and other lesser-known dangers of aerial reconnaissance

The Central Intelligence Agency’s declassified archives include a formerly SECRET incident involving a spy plane and an unusual example of small arms fire: the “Congolese SAM,” also known as a spear.

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CIA World Tour: Sub-Saharan Africa

CIA World Tour: Sub-Saharan Africa

As part of our ongoing project to document Central Intelligence Agency activities around the planet, we’re compiling a curated list of links to records in the CIA archives, divided by country and presidential administration. Today we’re looking at the Today we’re looking at Sub-Saharan Africa (Central, Eastern, Southern, and Western Africa).

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CIA World Tour: Near East (the Middle East and North Africa)

CIA World Tour: Near East (the Middle East and North Africa)

As part of our ongoing project to document Central Intelligence Agency activities around the planet, we’re compiling a curated list of links to records in the CIA archives, divided by country and presidential administration. Today we’re looking at the Near East (the Middle East and North Africa).

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Declassified letters show CIA's indignation over ex-employee Peace Corps ban

Declassified letters show CIA’s indignation over ex-employee Peace Corps ban

In a series of letters and memos from late 1983 unearthed in the Central Intelligence Agency’s archives, CIA Director William J. Casey expressed dismay over the Peace Corps’s lifetime ban on former Agency employees, claiming that it could set a precedent that would lead to the unfair stigmatization of those “tainted” by the CIA’s activities.

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Heavily redacted FBI files document Bureau's investigations into the African National Congress

Heavily redacted FBI files document Bureau’s investigations into the African National Congress

A heavily redacted file Federal Bureau of Investigation file documents the Bureau’s lingering suspicion, if not outright hostility, towards the African National Congress, including concerns of communist ties and terrorism.

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