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air quality

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Black redacted bars with the words For the Record underlined

For the Record: MuckRock and Cicero Independiente awarded at MIT for their “Air We Breathe” series

Reporters for both organizations were present at the awards ceremony at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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A crowd of people looking into a secret meeting

Elected officials are opting out of secret Koppers community meetings about air pollution.

The Illinois EPA has created a Koppers resource website, with documents related to all four Illinois EPA violations, due to “significant public interest” in the facility. And the state attorney general’s office said it received more information from the Illinois EPA related to Koppers’ alleged violations in December, saying in a statement that it is “evaluating the matter.”

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People looking into a private meeting

La historia interna de la lucha de una empresa química multimillonaria por ocultar sus secretos al público

Después que Cicero Independiente y MuckRock publicaran artículos de investigación sobre la contaminación atmosférica y la empresa química Koppers, ésta contrató a una empresa de relaciones públicas para organizar una campaña secreta entre bastidores para influir a los funcionarios locales.

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El aire que respiramos: Nuestra red de sensores muestra cómo el sector industrial aún está contaminando el aire de Cicero

El aire que respiramos: Nuestra red de sensores muestra cómo el sector industrial aún está contaminando el aire de Cicero

Cicero Independiente y MuckRock han monitoreado la contaminación del aire en Cicero. Lo que hemos descubierto: La calidad del aire de Cicero es mucho peor que la de los barrios de los alrededores del condado de Cook y es peor de lo que la Agencia de Protección Ambiental y los programas piloto dirigidos por la Ciudad y Microsoft han informado regularmente.

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'The Air We Breathe:' Our network of sensors shows how industry is still polluting Cicero’s air

‘The Air We Breathe:’ Our network of sensors shows how industry is still polluting Cicero’s air

The Cicero Independiente and MuckRock have been monitoring air pollution in Cicero. What we found: Cicero’s air quality is much worse than surrounding Cook County neighborhoods, and it’s worse than what the Environmental Protection Agency and pilot programs run by the city and Microsoft have routinely reported.

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