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CIA’s report on the "The World Situation in 1970" shows a shift in focus towards soft power

CIA’s report on the “The World Situation in 1970” shows a shift in focus towards soft power

The Central Intelligence Agency’s “The World Situation in 1970” report was a strange mixture of realistic concerns, candid admissions, and forced optimism. In one of its more realistically optimistic moments, the CIA reported that the Soviets believed “rational Americans” would want a stable Europe. In response, President Richard Nixon asked if anything could be done to “cause more trouble” instead.

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Browse over a thousand CIA records from dictator Efraín Ríos Montt reign in Guatemala

Browse over a thousand CIA records from dictator Efraín Ríos Montt reign in Guatemala

Records from the CIA’s declassified CREST archives shows how Efraín Ríos Montt’s coup first took the Agency by surprise, with the U.S. government later embracing his violent counterinsurgency campaign, with Secretary of State George Shultz praising it as “impressive progress in human rights.”

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Memo in CIA’s Kissinger archive hints Jack Anderson was informing on Bob Woodward

Memo in CIA’s Kissinger archive hints Jack Anderson was informing on Bob Woodward

According to a recently uncovered memo in the CIA’s Kissinger archive, Jack Anderson let word of Bob Woodward’s investigation into the Nixon pardon slip to the National Security Council.

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J. Edgar Hoover’s gambit to force his enemies into retirement came close to ending his career

J. Edgar Hoover’s gambit to force his enemies into retirement came close to ending his career

When J. Edgar Hoover forced William “Bill” Sullivan, the Bureau’s domestic intelligence chief, into retirement he set into motion a chain reaction which nearly forced him into retirement as well.

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