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animal testing

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California lawmaker halts controversial transparency bill amidst public outcry

California lawmaker halts controversial transparency bill amidst public outcry

After stern opposition from transparency groups, Assemblymember Laura Friedman has decided to halt AB 700 for this year’s legislative session in California. The bill would have exempted information relating to a researcher or their research at a state university or community college.

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Transparency groups oppose new California bill blocking access to research records

Transparency groups oppose new California bill blocking access to research records

Following sweeping changes to access to police records, California legislators remain focused on reforming the state’s public records law. This time around, however, environmental groups, scientists, and transparency activists are up in arms against a new bill that’s looking to limit the scope of what researchers at higher-education institutions can and cannot release.

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New bill in California aims to tighten up animal research reporting at the state level

New bill in California aims to tighten up animal research reporting at the state level

According to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, as many as 100 million animals are used in U.S. laboratories every year. In order to have a better understanding into these practices in California, Assemblymember Brian Maienschein introduced new legislation to provide added transparency into animal research reporting.

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