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States have different policies on how they approach domestic violence - and many don't have any policies at all

States have different policies on how they approach domestic violence - and many don’t have any policies at all

A request for domestic violence response policies for state police departments in all 50 states found 28 states willing to release the policies free of charge, or for a small fee. Twelve states reported having no such policy. Four - Hawaii, Kansas, New Hampshire, and South Dakota - rejected the request, arguing that granting it would compromise security, reveal confidential law enforcement techniques, or disrupt the operation of government.

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Despite legalization, D.C. Police arrest hundreds on weed consumption charges each year - overwhelmingly African Americans

Despite legalization, D.C. Police arrest hundreds on weed consumption charges each year - overwhelmingly African Americans

Recently-released numbers on marijuana-related arrests provided by the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department present a stark racial disparity in the allocation of weed-associated charges made by the department.

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4 Requests

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Partially Completed

Alleged assault on an officer

Brian Waters sent this request to the Essex Police Department of Essex, VT

No Responsive Documents

Fidel Castro Arrest Records

Colin Mahns sent this request to the Union City Police Department of Union City, NJ