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FBI file documents Chef Paul Prudhomme’s history of accidentally bringing loaded guns to airports

FBI file documents Chef Paul Prudhomme’s history of accidentally bringing loaded guns to airports

Celebrated Cajun chef Paul Prudhomme found himself in hot water for accidentally bringing a loaded firearm to the airport on more than one occasion, according to his FBI file.

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This Week’s FOIA Round-Up: Trump’s pre-inauguration military briefings revealed, the Supreme Court hears a key FOIA case, and records reveal Baltimore PD has destroyed far more rape kits than reported

This Week’s FOIA Round-Up: Trump’s pre-inauguration military briefings revealed, the Supreme Court hears a key FOIA case, and records reveal Baltimore PD has destroyed far more rape kits than reported

In this week’s FOIA roundup, a records request reveals what then-President-elect Donald Trump was briefed on by military officials in 2016, a South Dakota newspaper battles supermarket industry lobbyists at the Supreme Court over federal food stamps data, and new documents expose Baltimore County Police Department underreported the number of rape kits they destroyed by hundreds.

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Five of the best - and five of the worst - sexual assault response policies across the country

Five of the best - and five of the worst - sexual assault response policies across the country

The care rape victims receive is entirely dependent on where the crime occurred. Good sexual assault response policies are comprised of a number of initiatives, including (but not limited to) specific officer training, a victim-centered approach, access to victim advocates, guidelines for submitting kits to labs, and victim notification. Based on what we’ve seen in our reporting so far, we’ve rounded up a list of the five best - and the five worst - sexual assault response policies across the country.

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Stories FOIA told this week repealed but not replaced

Stories FOIA told this week repealed but not replaced

Stories FOIA told this week has a last minute change of plans, but still coming through with your weekly round up of great stories FOIA and public records helped tell this week — plus news about changes (or potential changes) in state laws.

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After release of embarrassing exchange, Baltimore Police make requesting emails more difficult - and expensive

After release of embarrassing exchange, Baltimore Police make requesting emails more difficult - and expensive

After the release of an email exchange in which an officer mocked a teenage sexual assault victim, Baltimore Police Department appears to have changed their policies so that getting emails is a much more difficult - and prohibitively expensive - process.

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