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FOIA the Mueller Report: What will the Special Counsel's Office release?

FOIA the Mueller Report: What will the Special Counsel’s Office release?

It’s been just three days since Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III passed his report on to Attorney General William P. Barr, and already Freedom of Information Act lawsuits are flying. Here’s what’s likely to be released and how you can follow along for instant updates on related requests.

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This █████'s for you: The CIA's classified beer of choice

This █████’s for you: The CIA’s classified beer of choice

In a 1981 letter to an unidentified Ambassador, former CIA Director Willam Casey thanked him for the surprise gift of two cases of beer. If you’re wondering what kind of beer gets you on a spook’s good side, keep wondering - the brand is redacted on “confidential source” grounds.

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