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1 Project
Know Your Rights: The power of public records when dealing with law enforcement
48 Articles
We Moved! Here’s what that means for your public records requests
When an agency’s records department sends responses via the postal service (affectionately known as snail mail), those communications, including acknowledgment letters, status updates and responsive documents, come to us for processing. That address is changing for the first since in 8 years, but we’re working to ensure a smooth transition.
Join MuckRock for our Sunshine Week Transparency Science Fair
To celebrate Sunshine Week, MuckRock is hosting our very own transparency-themed science fair on Saturday, March 16th at Oficio Back Bay! Come and explore the ways an open government is essential to an informed and engaged democracy.
Anarchy in the U.S. (with a side of molasses)
Boston’s Great Molasses Flood happened 100 years ago this month. While the cause of the accident turned out to be a faulty tank and warmer than average temperatures, initially reports blamed sinister anarchists intent on violence. A recent Federal Bureau of Investigation report on “Anarchist Extremism” shows just how little things have changed.
The FBI and the case of Charlie Chaplin’s stolen corpse
In late December 1977, Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin, known to the world as “Charlie,” died in his home in Switzerland. A few months later, his body was stolen from its cemetery plot, kicking off an international corpse hunt that briefly - if dubiously - included the FBI.
MuckRock’s Dog or Hot Dog Challenge
It’s dog week here at MuckRock, and we’re kicking things off with a challenge to you, dear reader. We requested photos of mayors in major cities around the country with either dogs, or with hot dogs. Now it’s up to you to guess - are these mayors hanging with Shih tzus or sausages?
5 Requests
No Responsive Documents
Sean Maloney sent this request to the Boston Police Department of Boston, MA
No Responsive Documents
Mayor Marty Walsh's Super Tuesday Plans
Kyle Clauss sent this request to the Mayor's Office of Boston, MA
New England Merchant's Bank Robbery
Sean Maloney sent this request to the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States of America
Southampton Shelter Construction Documents
Alejandro Ramirez sent this request to the Boston Redevelopment Authority of Boston, MA
No Responsive Documents
Southampton Shelter Construction Documents
Alejandro Ramirez sent this request to the Boston Public Health Commission of Boston, MA