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boston marathon

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The anti-drone tech employed during the Boston Marathon

The anti-drone tech employed during the Boston Marathon

Ahead of the Boston Marathon on Monday, city officials were adamant: no drones along the route. Such a ban isn’t unprecedented, but the plan for keeping drones out of marathoners’ faces highlights the difficulty of spotting the damn things, much less taking them out. Naturally, the plan flirted with net guns.

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The FBI has finished internal reviews of the Todashev shooting. So where are the docs?

The FBI has finished internal reviews of the Todashev shooting. So where are the docs?

The Federal Bureau of Investigation confirmed this week that it has completed internal reviews of the May 2013 shooting of Ibragim Todashev, an associate of alleged Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev. The Justice Department has released final reports that cleared the agent involved from prosecution, but precious few documents have emerged from the inquiries themselves.

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