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Recovering over a billion in unpaid taxes in 2018, IRS Whistleblower’s Office operates on a budget of just over $6 million

Recovering over a billion in unpaid taxes in 2018, IRS Whistleblower’s Office operates on a budget of just over $6 million

In 2016, the Internal Revenue Service reported that unpaid taxes cost the federal government over $400 billion a year. According to documents recently released through FOIA, that same year, the IRS Whistleblower’s Office, which offers compensation to individuals who report on tax evasion, had a budget just over $6 million.

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DC lawmakers seek to change local FOIA laws to block access to officials' emails

DC lawmakers seek to change local FOIA laws to block access to officials’ emails

New proposed changes to FOIA law in Washington D.C. could block access to government emails dealing with “matters unrelated to public employees and officials’ work,” among other restrictions.

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Virginia school system stalled release of its secret budget

Virginia school system stalled release of its secret budget

Richmond School Board offers a special lesson in how the Virginia Freedom of Information Act is not supposed to work.

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Updates from our FBI crowdsourcing projects

Updates from our FBI crowdsourcing projects

Here’s the latest finds from our ongoing crowdsourced efforts to explore Ronald Reagan’s Federal Bureau of Investigation file and hunt down Director J. Edgar Hoover’s handwritten notes.

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Alaska takes steps to address its rape kit backlog

Alaska takes steps to address its rape kit backlog

Although our reporting on the rape kit backlog is often bleak, there is some good news - lawmakers in Alaska are taking a step in the right direction by adding $2.75 million to the budget for the testing of every backlogged kit.

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