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Economic development trumps transparency in Tennessee

Economic development trumps transparency in Tennessee

Tennessee lawmakers recently shot down efforts to make more information about economic development deals public, fearing too much transparency could make the state less competitive.

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Which cities are refusing to share their #AmazonHQ2 bids - and why

Which cities are refusing to share their #AmazonHQ2 bids - and why

Since launching our project to hunt down every proposal Amazon received for its second headquarters, we’ve found that a number of cities were more than happy to share what they’re offering to lure in the tech giant. A growing number, however, aren’t so keen and are keeping their bids hidden in a shroud of exemptions. Here’s a look at which cities rejected our request and why.

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SIGAR finds millions wasted in Afghanistan economic development efforts

SIGAR finds millions wasted in Afghanistan economic development efforts

In the latest release from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, the agency found that recent U.S.-funded economic development projects in the Middle Eastern country have been largely unsuccessful, and with little to show for the $823 million appropriated to the Task Force for Business and Stability Operations, a temporary organization tasked from 2010 through 2014 with executing economic development projects in Afghanistan.

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