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Read the State Department's highly classified cables on Dennis Rodman's 2013 visit to North Korea

Read the State Department’s highly classified cables on Dennis Rodman’s 2013 visit to North Korea

Back in 2013, MuckRock user Jasper Craven filed a FOIA request with the State Department for records regarding Dennis Rodman’s 2013 trip to North Korea. After nearly two years of processing, the agency released 18 pages of cables, almost completely redacted under the b(1) national security exemption.

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American and British governments denied Chagossians the right of return under the guise of environmental stewardship

American and British governments denied Chagossians the right of return under the guise of environmental stewardship

Between 1967 and 1973, almost 2,000 natives of the Chagos Archipelago were kicked out of their home to make room for an American military base. After decades of lobbying for the right to return, the Chagossians were formally denied last year after the American and British governments started raising questions about the environmental impact of resettlement.

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