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50 Cakes of FOIA: The saga continues

50 Cakes of FOIA: The saga continues

Two years ago, to celebrate FOIA’s 50th birthday, we filed a request with seven presidential libraries for all of their photos of presidents with cake. As of last year, all but two - the William J. Clinton and George W. Bush Presidential Libraries - had released pictures of their prez with pastry. Today, we’re checking in on the two stragglers, and see if they’ve managed to track down the treats in the last 12 months.

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50 Cakes of FOIA, one year later

50 Cakes of FOIA, one year later

Last year, to celebrate FOIA’s 50th birthday, we began collecting photos of Commanders-in-chief with cakes, with the goal of creating the most comprehensive archive of presidential pastry ever assembled. Today, we’re checking in to see if our efforts to free chief executive confections bore frosted fruit.

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Celebrating 250 years of your Right to Know

Celebrating 250 years of your Right to Know

Today, this 28th day of September 2016, marks International Right-To-Know Day, currently celebrating 250 years of Right-To-Know legislation on the Earth. In 1766, a full ten years before the United States birthed itself, Sweden adopted “His Majesty’s Gracious Ordinance Relating to Freedom of Writing and of the Press,” and so set an example for open access to governments around the world - at last count, 113 in total.

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50 Cakes of FOIA

50 Cakes of FOIA

For FOIA’s half-century celebration, MuckRock put together the largest collection of photos of presidents with cakes ever assembled. Guinness World Records committee, you know where to find us.

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