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Help find out who’s calling BSEE Director Scott Angelle

Help find out who’s calling BSEE Director Scott Angelle

Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Director Scott Angelle was caught on tape giving out his cell phone number to skirt public records laws. But thanks to FOIA, we now we have the call logs, and with your help we can find out who the supposed oil industry watchdog was in contact with.

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Browse over a year of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai's calendar

Browse over a year of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s calendar

In response to a FOIA request by Taylor Scott Amarel, the Federal Communications Commission has released nearly two year’s worth of Chairman Ajit Pai’s calendar. That’s a lot of entries to look over, which is why we’re asking for your help.

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FOIAing the Trump Administration: resources for your 2018 requests

FOIAing the Trump Administration: resources for your 2018 requests

In 2017, FOIA requests contributed valuable oversight to the Trump administration. If you’re wondering where to start this new year, imitating successful requests is an easy way to get the ball rolling. 2017 also yielded many repositories of calendars, travel records, ethics pledges, and other documents that you can mine for FOIA request ideas. For the first week of 2018, we rounded up resources that can springboard your efforts to FOIA the Trump administration.

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FOIAing the Trump Administration: scheduling priorities and declassification via tweet

FOIAing the Trump Administration: scheduling priorities and declassification via tweet

Many impactful stories about the Trump administration began with FOIA requests for administration figures’ calendars, meeting schedules, and visitor logs. This week, we take a look at what these logs and calendars have revealed about administration priorities, as well as an interesting FOIA lawsuit based on Trump’s tweet.

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