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The Third Annual Foilies are here - submit your strangest public records experience

The Third Annual Foilies are here - submit your strangest public records experience

Everyone in the world of public records has at least one experience that’s straight out of Kafka - maybe the agency gave an estimated completion date of next century, or the “responsive documents” turned out to be a couple hundred blank pages. In that spirit of commiseration, MuckRock is proud to announce that we’re partnering again with EFF for the third-annual “Foilies” Awards.

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Opening up Dugway Proving Grounds, the military's secretive biological weapon testing unit

Opening up Dugway Proving Grounds, the military’s secretive biological weapon testing unit

In 1941, the US Army decided it needed a remote testing site to develop and test experimental, chemical and biological-based weapons, some place far away from civilians and, perhaps more importantly, the opportunity for enemies to see what they were building. The Dugway Proving Ground was born.

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The Second Annual Foilies are here - submit your strangest public records experience

The Second Annual Foilies are here - submit your strangest public records experience

Everyone in the world of public records has at least one experience that’s straight out of Kafka - maybe the agency gave an estimated completion date of next century, or the “responsive documents” turned out to be a couple hundred blank pages.

In that spirit of commiseration, MuckRock is proud to announce that we’re partnering again with EFF for the second-annual “Foilies” Awards.

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Massachusetts, your officials aren't protecting you from gas leaks.

Massachusetts, your officials aren’t protecting you from gas leaks.

All winter, MuckRock has been reporting on gas leaks in the state — specifically, that legislative measures taken to fix them and prevent their consequences will remain impotent if they aren’t utilized, or even just more widely known. That’s where you can help.

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Nominate your craziest public records experience for The Foilies

Nominate your craziest public records experience for The Foilies

In that spirit of commiseration, MuckRock is proud to announce our partnership with EFF and the Sunlight Foundation for the first-annual “Foilies” Awards Gala during Sunshine Week in DC.

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