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campus security
3 Articles

Help shed light on the cost of campus speakers
Before college campus speakers make it to campus or, potentially, the online outrage cycle, a lot of effort goes into the logistics of inviting these notables. Help us find out how much.

The strangest military gear on campus police’s back to school shopping list
Through the Department of Defense’s 1033 program, police departments are eligible to receive secondhand supplies once used by the U.S. military. Among the participating agencies are those hired by public educational institutions – state colleges, universities, and K-12 school districts. Some of these items are pretty standard, some are frightening to think about, and some are pretty difficult to make sense of. Below are a few of the latter.

Private colleges, public safety: few disclosure requirements for campus police
Sworn police at private universities carry weapons, make arrests and patrol some of the most populous areas of Boston. But the law holds far fewer transparency obligations for private campus cops than for officers at other agencies. When universities said we could only see their crime logs in person, we took a college tour.
2 Requests
University of Kentucky Security System
Carlton Purvis sent this request to the University of Kentucky of Kentucky
University of Kentucky Security System Contract Winner's Proposal
Carlton Purvis sent this request to the University of Kentucky of Kentucky