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The Trump administration orders government to speed up its use of AI

The Trump administration orders government to speed up its use of AI

The United States is committing to a broad program of artificial intelligence to maintain the country’s industry lead and modernize the military, the White House announced in an Executive Order issued by President Donald Trump on February 11th.

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This week’s round-up: FBI gets shady on dark web bust, records show Trump trips cost thousands, and Texas comes down hard on public records violations

This week’s round-up: FBI gets shady on dark web bust, records show Trump trips cost thousands, and Texas comes down hard on public records violations

For this week’s FOIA round-up, the Federal Bureau of Investigation claims it can withhold footage of a dark web bust it had already made public, Secret Service records show a five-figure bill for a First Family visit to a Trump International Hotel in Canada, and a rare indictment for violating public records laws gets handed down in Texas.

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The squiggle that convinced a CIA psychic to believe in themselves

The squiggle that convinced a CIA psychic to believe in themselves

Notes from a January 26th, 1990 remote viewing suggest that even the participants had grown to become a bit skeptical of the Central Intelligence Agency’s three decade long psychic research program - until one fateful session convinced one viewer that there may be something to this ESP thing after all.

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Five spooky, scary things from CIA’s history

Five spooky, scary things from CIA’s history

The popular imagination has conjured a Central Intelligence Agency of stealth and shadows, but sometimes the Agency’s spookiest moves are the ones that really happened.

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Join MuckRock Canada in helping fix the broken access to information system

Join MuckRock Canada in helping fix the broken access to information system

Today is International Right to Know Day, a date when groups around the world celebrate the importance of freedom of information to both democracy and good governance. Yet there is little to celebrate in Canada.

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