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cia’s guide to other country’s elections

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Declassified Kissinger memo refers to American "major intrusion" in Vietnamese elections

Declassified Kissinger memo refers to American “major intrusion” in Vietnamese elections

A 1973 National Security Council memo to Henry Kissinger, kept classified for over 35 years, shows the State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency took steps to affect the outcome of South Vietnam’s senate elections. According to the memo, “none of these activities were cleared by the NSC,” and also describes the efforts as “a major intrusion on internal [Vietnamese] politics.”

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CIA’s Guide To Other Country's Elections: Why Jamaican “National Hero” Michael Manley worried the Agency

CIA’s Guide To Other Country’s Elections: Why Jamaican “National Hero” Michael Manley worried the Agency

Michael Manley, who served as Prime Minister of Jamaica for a total of 11 years, is considered by nearly half of Jamaicans as the best Prime Minister the country ever had. 68% say that he should considered a national hero. However, as a 1980 Agency memo in the middle of a tough re-election battle shows, the Central Intelligence Agency had a much more negative view of Manley, fearing he would resort to illegal means to stay in power.

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CIA’s Guide To Other Country's Elections: Agency assessment of the 1986 Philippine “snap elections”

CIA’s Guide To Other Country’s Elections: Agency assessment of the 1986 Philippine “snap elections”

The sudden showdown between longtime President Marcos and Corazon Aquino, widow of an outspoken critic, had the Agency anxious for a result they couldn’t predict.

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