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code for boston

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Release Notes: Contributing to MuckRock's open source efforts

Learn how to get started with contributing to MuckRock and FOIA Machine source code or just take a peek under the hood at how the site operates as well as the newest features.

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Apple wants your new driver’s license to be an iPhone, but FOIA requests showed states weren’t along for the ride

Apple wants your new driver’s license to be an iPhone, but FOIA requests showed states weren’t along for the ride

In June, Apple announced it will add state IDs, such as driver’s licenses, to its Wallet app, rolling out in participating states and at TSA checkpoints this fall. But public records tell the behind-the-scenes story about Apple’s interactions with government agencies when building out the idea, including how a select few jurisdictions were given a heads up as early as 2019, with many others finding out after the public.

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Release Notes: Join us in Boston to hack on GovLens

Release Notes: Join us in Boston to hack on GovLens

The last few weeks we’ve been heads down on DocumentCloud work, so no new user-facing features this past week. Want to work on transparency tools of your own? Join us Tuesday nights in Cambridge as we work on our Code for Boston project, GovLens.

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Release Notes: Edit your Assignment questions!

Release Notes: Edit your Assignment questions!

Ever notice a typo in an Assignments question? Get some feedback from folks helping you crowdsource analysis and wish you could incorporate it right away? You finally can: Assignment questions are now fully editable, with lots of backups in place.

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Release Notes: Join us for Demo Night in Boston next Tuesday!

Release Notes: Join us for Demo Night in Boston next Tuesday!

On December 17, MuckRock, Code for Boston, and Hacks/Hackers are putting together a demo night to highlight a number of open source projects, including MuckRock’s newest government transparency tool, GovLens. Registration is free!

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Release Notes: Join us Tuesdays in Boston or online anytime to hack transparency

Release Notes: Join us Tuesdays in Boston or online anytime to hack transparency

Last week the MuckRock team took a short week to celebrate Thanksgiving, so there are no new features. This week, we’ll be back at it, including at our weekly volunteer night Tuesday evening.

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