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What’s with Ajit Pai’s Reese’s mug? FCC resorts to high fees and invasive questions to avoid telling

What’s with Ajit Pai’s Reese’s mug? FCC resorts to high fees and invasive questions to avoid telling

After several stories about the Federal Communications Commission abusing FOIA exemptions to avoid releasing embarrassing emails, the agency appears to have switched tactics, demanding a requester provide personal information not required under the law and charging hundreds in search fees.

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The CIA's year-long inquiry into whether employees have to pay for their own coffee

The CIA’s year-long inquiry into whether employees have to pay for their own coffee

During its 70 year history, a number of coffee-related controversies have gripped the Central Intelligence Agency - but perhaps none of them had such long-lasting impact on the caffeination of our nation’s clandestine service as a year-long inquiry into the legality of using government funds to buy CIA employees their daily pick-me-up.

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