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New report highlights shortcomings of Colorado electronic records retention

New report highlights shortcomings of Colorado electronic records retention

Technology has created new problems - and solutions - for government accountability. In Colorado, a transparency group hopes to develop and adopt best practices for its state.

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As Sunshine Week draws to a close, state legislatures are set to review a number of records bills across the nation

As Sunshine Week draws to a close, state legislatures are set to review a number of records bills across the nation

As we wrap up Sunshine Week 2019, we’ve compiled the ultimate list of transparency bills currently making the rounds throughout state houses and senates.

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UPDATED: Police warn against the dangers of marijuana candy, but report no incidents

UPDATED: Police warn against the dangers of marijuana candy, but report no incidents

Public agencies’ annual Halloween candy notices are prevalent across social media and news publications. Marijuana candy, in particular, increasingly dominates fearful headlines ahead of the holiday as more states legalize recreational use of the drug.

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Most campus records at private colleges remain protected from public disclosure

Most campus records at private colleges remain protected from public disclosure

Recent police calls on people of color remind us that private universities operate on accountability mechanisms different than their public counterparts.

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R.I.P. Hunter S. Thompson

R.I.P. Hunter S. Thompson

Thirteen years ago, the writer Hunter S. Thompson sat down at his kitchen desk - a typewriter at his seat and a Smith and Wesson Model 645 in his hand - and never stood again.

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