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MuckRock readers want to know: What drone use is going on in your area?

MuckRock readers want to know: What drone use is going on in your area?

MuckRock announced that it would be looking at the extent of drone use by municipalities, counties, and states throughout the country. Since then, individuals from Connecticut to California have responded to the call.

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State public records laws continues to face challenges amidst big victories

State public records laws continues to face challenges amidst big victories

The state of state public records laws continues to evolve as lawmakers discuss new legislation, court rulings clarify ambiguities in records law, and advocates press for better access. To get a sense of what’s happening, we’ve compiled a list of recent changes to access all across the country. If we missed news in your state, let us know by filling out the form below!

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This Week’s FOIA Round-Up: Justice Department releases second Mueller report and new records show officer who killed teen worried past supervisors

This Week’s FOIA Round-Up: Justice Department releases second Mueller report and new records show officer who killed teen worried past supervisors

In this week’s FOIA roundup, two FOIA lawsuits push the Justice Department to release a new version of the Mueller Report, records reveal that the Connecticut police officer who shot an unarmed teen last month had worried past supervisors, and an elected city clerk in Illinois sues his city over its own FOIA processes.

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As Sunshine Week draws to a close, state legislatures are set to review a number of records bills across the nation

As Sunshine Week draws to a close, state legislatures are set to review a number of records bills across the nation

As we wrap up Sunshine Week 2019, we’ve compiled the ultimate list of transparency bills currently making the rounds throughout state houses and senates.

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State officials are keeping a closer watch on quasi-government entities

State officials are keeping a closer watch on quasi-government entities

For years, quasi-government agencies have operated under grey areas in oversight and accountability. After a number of reports of embezzlement, financial malpractice, and misuse of funds, state governments have started to keep a closer watch on them.

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