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3 Projects

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FOIA contracts

The government hires vendors to outsource FOIA review, make software to track, redact, & review FOIA requests, etc. This asks for the details of all of those contracts.

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Undercover Boss Contract Project

This project will request records regarding the production of the show "Undercover Boss". The project will requests contracts, bills, and other documents from cities, and university's that participated in the show.

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Whose Streets? Our Streets! (Tech Edition)

As part of Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs’ Technology and Public Purpose (TAPP) Project, Rebecca Williams is spending the 2020-21 academic year assessing risks to civil liberties posed by “smart city” technologies and developing recommended interventions for the public, governments, and vendors.

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27 Articles

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The 86th Texas Legislative session brings big changes to state’s public records law

The 86th Texas Legislative session brings big changes to state’s public records law

The 86th Texas Legislative session ended on May 27th, and just last week, Governor Greg Abbot finished signing bills into law. According to the Freedom of Information Foundation of Texas, 193 of those bills discussed were related to public records - three of which deserve particular attention.

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Only three of North Carolina’s 100 counties have fulfilled prison phone requests

Only three of North Carolina’s 100 counties have fulfilled prison phone requests

North Carolina has exactly 100 counties, and two weeks ago, MuckRock sent a public records request to each one of them in an effort to learn more about inmates’ options for prison communication.

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Army names Silicon Valley’s data mining company Palantir to lead battlefield intelligence

Army names Silicon Valley’s data mining company Palantir to lead battlefield intelligence

Palantir, a data mining startup based in Silicon Valley, will be handling initial delivery of the U.S. Army’s battlefield intelligence network, the Pentagon confirmed earlier this year, positioning the company to influence the Army’s long-term implementation of its artificial intelligence priorities.

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Axon misled city about contract terms when police switched to new bodycam vendor

Axon misled city about contract terms when police switched to new bodycam vendor

After dropping Axon, the city of Fontana, California faced a choice: Pay for cloud services its police department didn’t use or risk its credit score.

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Submit your school to our College Cola Contract Crowdsource

Submit your school to our College Cola Contract Crowdsource

At universities throughout the country, the two big beverage manufacturers, Coca-Cola and Pepsi, contract exclusive rights to stock vending machines and soda fountains with their products, and in September, MuckRock began asking its audience to help us understand just what else ends up in those agreements.

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102 Requests

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