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Protecting LGBTQ+ Youth from Conversion Therapy

Conversion Therapy is built on the idea that being gay or trans is abnormal and must be “cured.” The harmful practice is unregulated and performed without consent on LGBTQ+ youth across the country by religious advisors and licensed healthcare professionals. There are currently 698,000 LGBTQ+ adults in the U.S. that have gone through conversion therapy, 350,000 of which were children at the time of treatment.

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Help us track down private conversion therapy practitioners

Help us track down private conversion therapy practitioners

Last month, we launched our Protecting LGBTQ+ Youth from Conversion Therapy project, an attempt to use public records to learn more about the poorly-understood practice. But there are definite challenges to understanding the impact of conversion therapy in America, and we’re going to need help to get further into our investigation.

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MuckRock is launching the "Protecting LGBTQ+ Youth from Conversion Therapy" project

MuckRock is launching the “Protecting LGBTQ+ Youth from Conversion Therapy” project

A MuckRock project launching today, “Protecting LGBTQ+ Youth from Conversion Therapy” seeks to use public records to gain a better understanding of the conversion therapy industry, governmental involvement in the practice, and the scope of its harm on LGBTQ+ youth.

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