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Prison phone giant Securus sues Florida Department of Corrections for awarding a contact to a competitor

Prison phone giant Securus sues Florida Department of Corrections for awarding a contact to a competitor

One of the largest providers of prison phone services in the United States is suing the Florida Department of Corrections for violating the procurement process in awarding a contract for inmate communications services to a competitor.

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Motivational posters in Massachusetts prisons offer insight into incarceration

Motivational posters in Massachusetts prisons offer insight into incarceration

The severe, gray, concrete walls of prison sometimes give way to unexpected bursts of color and potential moments of inspiration. The Massachusetts Department of Correction revealed some of these in a recent public records release containing photographs of several motivational posters hanging on its prison walls.

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Fee issues continue to block access to public records in Massachusetts

Fee issues continue to block access to public records in Massachusetts

While the 2016 reforms to Massachusetts Public Records Law brought some key changes, such as a cap on copying fees and agency response times, Bay State requesters can still face hefty financial barriers to getting their records.

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California records show state dealing with immigration detainer requests dating back to the '90s

California records show state dealing with immigration detainer requests dating back to the ‘90s

Across the country, law enforcement is grappling with the moral and legal complexity of cooperating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement. While ICE continues to send out requests to detain inmates on their behalf, recent court cases like Roy v. Los Angeles have limited the ability of law enforcement to comply. However these issues aren’t new - as records released last week show, California has been documenting the debate over cooperating with immigration officials for over 25 years.

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