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Northshore School District Cyberattack

The Northshore School District of Bothell, WA announced they suffered a severe cyberattack starting September 20th. The district has been silent on what transpired, the resources used to recover, and what they will do to prevent future cyberattacks. There has been minimal coverage from local news outlets. This project seeks to obtain relevant public documents from the school district and other public agencies so that the public can be fully informed about the incident.

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2 Articles

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Breitbart News' FBI file details how site accidentally DDoS’d itself … but withholds over a thousand pages

Breitbart News’ FBI file details how site accidentally DDoS’d itself … but withholds over a thousand pages

On January 17, 2016, the alt-right news site Breitbart found itself under siege: A number of IP addresses were sending a large amount of traffic its way, straining its servers. Writing to the FBI two days later with the subject line “Request for assistance,” someone (identity redacted) shared the source of the IP addresses and asked that the FBI “explore the possibility that the identity of the criminal … be identified from this fingerprint.” It turns out, it was an inside job.

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Remind your local state and town about the importance of cybersecurity

Remind your local state and town about the importance of cybersecurity

Attacks like last month’s on the East Coast’s web are not uncommon. And the fact that for some people the attack was partially-facilitated by their very own appliances is a little too close to Maximum Overdrive for comfort. So help us find out: is your local government taking steps to protect itself and you from the threat of INTERNET?

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6 Requests

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