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One of the dark web’s biggest online retailers of drugs and fake credit cards has permanently closed down. That could be a bad thing.

One of the dark web’s biggest online retailers of drugs and fake credit cards has permanently closed down. That could be a bad thing.

The October 1 closing of a popular darknet marketplace leaves a big hole in the billion-dollar industry of illegal drugs, credit card and bank fraud, forged documents and more.

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FBI can neither confirm nor deny investigations into darknet markets that it confirmed are ongoing

FBI can neither confirm nor deny investigations into darknet markets that it confirmed are ongoing

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has responded to dozens of FOIA requests regarding darknet markets (and one request for files on Cryptocomb) by refusing to confirm or deny the existence of records mentioning them. To support this denial, the Bureau cited FOIA exemption b(7)a, which covers “ongoing proceedings.” In doing so, the Bureau seemed to violate its own GLOMAR response by citing the existence of proceedings it refuses to acknowledge exist.

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This week’s round-up: FBI gets shady on dark web bust, records show Trump trips cost thousands, and Texas comes down hard on public records violations

This week’s round-up: FBI gets shady on dark web bust, records show Trump trips cost thousands, and Texas comes down hard on public records violations

For this week’s FOIA round-up, the Federal Bureau of Investigation claims it can withhold footage of a dark web bust it had already made public, Secret Service records show a five-figure bill for a First Family visit to a Trump International Hotel in Canada, and a rare indictment for violating public records laws gets handed down in Texas.

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