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Steal This FOIA: How to report on victims compensation in your state

Steal This FOIA: How to report on victims compensation in your state

For Lakeidra Chavis’ “Aftershocks” series on the experience of surviving gun violence in Chicago, she looked at nearly 15,000 claims the state processed between 2015 and 2020 for victim compensation. Less than 4 in 10 applicants in Illinois received any reimbursement. That data, and much, were available thanks to public records requests, and in this guide Chavis’ share how she obtained, analyzed, and reported on this under-investigated issue.

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A data guide to childhood lead poisoning in Rhode Island

A data guide to childhood lead poisoning in Rhode Island

MuckRock recently reported on the State of Rhode Island’s one-time plan to eliminate blood lead levels in children. Here we break down where the numbers on these instances come from and what they’re missing.

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