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death penalty

1 Project

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Experiments in Execution: The Death Penalty Project

Tracking the policies and procedures that dictate how people are put to death in the United States.

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6 Articles

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How FOIA can offer the public a peek into the government's secret meetings

How FOIA can offer the public a peek into the government’s secret meetings

Buzzfeed and Pacific Standard Magazine report on questionable meetings by the state of Missouri to acquire lethal injection drugs and industry groups influencing government officials regarding a bird species in peril. Plus, a tool often used in the movies for keeping people quiet can also serve as a method of redaction!

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Florida inmates are latest in fight against mandatory solitary for death row residents

Florida inmates are latest in fight against mandatory solitary for death row residents

Recent reports of solitary’s harmful effects have helped bolster cases in multiple states where the capitally-condemned await their fates.

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Five myths about the death penalty

Five myths about the death penalty

From its role as a deterrent to lavish last meals that only exist in the public imagination, popular misconceptions remain about the way people are put to death in America.

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Utah Department of Corrections releases Technical Manual for their execution process

Utah Department of Corrections releases Technical Manual for their execution process

When Emily Hopkins requested death penalty procedures from the Utah Department of Corrections in 2015, they were met with a rejection, and after that a denied appeal. However, whether it was the result of a new public records officer or a change in UDC policy, a request filed this year led to the release of the Technical Manual used in carrying out executions, including procedures for the firing squad.

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Requester’s Voice: Chris McDaniel of BuzzFeed News

Requester’s Voice: Chris McDaniel of BuzzFeed News

Chris McDaniel is currently a reporter for BuzzFeed News covering execution drugs. This week, Chris lets us in on some helpful FOIA tricks, tells us how the Missouri DOC paid executioners in cash, and talks about battling increasing secrecy in the death penalty world.

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4 Requests

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