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Reclaim The Records: Using Freedom of Information laws to open up genealogical and archival data

Reclaim The Records is an non-profit activist group of genealogists, historians, researchers, and open government advocates. We are collecting information about important archival and genealogical data sets that are not available online or on microfilm, and we then use state and Federal FOI laws and Open Data initiatives to get that information released back to the public.

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In rural hospitals, women are dying during childbirth - and states aren't keeping track

In rural hospitals, women are dying during childbirth - and states aren’t keeping track

MuckRock asked all 50 states for a copy of the data frame that they use to track pregnancy-related deaths, in order to figure out if every department is using a similar system, or even tracking the same information. Spoiler alert: they’re all doing their own thing.

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How Reuters used public information to build the most comprehensive database of Taser-involved deaths yet

How Reuters used public information to build the most comprehensive database of Taser-involved deaths yet

In a sweeping investigation, a team of Reuters reporters, editors, and data analysts raised serious questions about Taser’s manufacturer’s claim that no one has died directly from device’s shock. Reviewing the results of hundreds of autopsies, filing hundreds of public records requests around the country, and other painstaking open-source research made the investigation possible.

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How many people die each year in the American prison system?

How many people die each year in the American prison system?

Despite efforts by the Bureau of Justice Statistics and others, a clear picture of American detention deaths remains blurred by reporting gaps.

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