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From frogs to immigration, Secret Service kept close tabs on peaceful protests
Briefings released via FOIA show the Secret Service closely monitoring political demonstrations, regardless of what was being demonstrated for or against.
12 Requests
No Responsive Documents
Incident report for Derek Cohn driving vehicle into Ferguson demonstrators 2014-09-20
Phil Mocek sent this request to the St. Louis County Police Department of St. Louis County, MO
Incident report for Derek Cohn driving vehicle into Ferguson demonstrators 2014-09-20 (Ferguson PD)
Phil Mocek sent this request to the Ferguson Police Department of Ferguson, MO
Incident reports 14393573 14397008 14404999 14405075
Phil Mocek sent this request to the Seattle Police Department of Seattle, WA
Incident reports 15020616, 15020826, 15020852, 15020956
Phil Mocek sent this request to the Seattle Police Department of Seattle, WA
Payment Required
May Day 2012 Incident Commander's Review and records referenced therein
Phil Mocek sent this request to the Seattle Police Department of Seattle, WA