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department of education

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Journalism Courses in Public High Schools

I am currently conducting a study that examines the state of journalism education on the public high school level throughout the U.S. Last semester, I researched and reported on the state of Massachusetts and how they valued their journalism education. I found that less than 29% of public high schools are offering any type journalism or current events class to their students. Louisiana offers it to less than 14% of their public high schools and North Dakota less than 8%. Teaching journalism to high school students is not just teaching the basics to future reporters, but it allows an educational pathway to the nation’s future voters, entrepreneurs and leaders and how they consume information responsibly.

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This week’s round-up: Flunking for-profit colleges, wreck-it reps, and shining some sunlight on Congress

This week’s round-up: Flunking for-profit colleges, wreck-it reps, and shining some sunlight on Congress

This week’s FOIA round-up shows a light at the end of the tunnel amidst shady for-profit colleges and a local lawmakers accident prone behavior. Plus, a bill to bring some long-overdue transparency to Congress.

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FOIAing the Trump Administration: scheduling priorities and declassification via tweet

FOIAing the Trump Administration: scheduling priorities and declassification via tweet

Many impactful stories about the Trump administration began with FOIA requests for administration figures’ calendars, meeting schedules, and visitor logs. This week, we take a look at what these logs and calendars have revealed about administration priorities, as well as an interesting FOIA lawsuit based on Trump’s tweet.

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GAO not releasing details on collection agency with financial ties to Betsy DeVos' contested bid with the Department of Education

GAO not releasing details on collection agency with financial ties to Betsy DeVos’ contested bid with the Department of Education

If a company is going to be reimbursed for fees associated with filing bid protests against an agency headed up by a person with whom they’ve done business in the past, both the process by which the protests came to be sustained and any reimbursements paid to the company ought to be a matter of public record. In the case of Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and Performant Financial Corporation, that isn’t the case.

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Over two-thirds of all Title IX cases that have ever been resolved were a result of guidelines Betsy DeVos just rescinded

Over two-thirds of all Title IX cases that have ever been resolved were a result of guidelines Betsy DeVos just rescinded

A recently-released list of all closed Title IX complaints regarding sexual assault at postsecondary institutions shows that over two-thirds of all cases that have ever been resolved came after the 2011 Dear Colleague letter was introduced - making Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’ decision to rescind those guidelines all the more frustrating.

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The fate of voucher-funded private schools remains an open question

The fate of voucher-funded private schools remains an open question

Parties on all sides are in agreement over public school systems’ persistent failures to successfully engage and prepare all students, from coast to heartland to coast, for a healthy and productive adult life. While there may be help in charter and voucher-based programs, secrecy still threatens to undermine their good intentions.

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