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department of the treasury

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Payments from U.S. Treasury in civil actions or complaints

How much does the Government pay, to whom, for what? This seeks to find out better information than is currently available for litigation & complaint related payouts.

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Even Congress wasn't allowed details of FBI's Steven Mnuchin probe

Even Congress wasn’t allowed details of FBI’s Steven Mnuchin probe

Last year, a letter from the FBI indicated that Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin tied to an ongoing federal investigation. In response, Senator Sherrod Brown called for the FBI to release any relevant details so that Congress could make an informed decision. His request was rejected - a week after Mnuchin was already confirmed.

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Fact-checking Steven Mnuchin's comments on his FBI probe

Fact-checking Steven Mnuchin’s comments on his FBI probe

Following Mike Best’s reporting of an FBI investigation potentially involving Trump’s Treasury pick Steven Mnuchin, Senator Sherrod Brown asked the FBI to release the files and made a point of bringing up the matter during Mnuchin’s confirmation hearing. While Mnuchin’s response may not have been a lies, they were not accurate, and raises several more questions.

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Trump's Treasury pick appears to be part of a federal investigation

Trump’s Treasury pick appears to be part of a federal investigation

Citing his desire to have people who “made a fortune,” Trump has selected a number of super-rich individuals with little to no government experience for his cabinet. In this case, the result is a set of picks whose combined wealth is higher than one third of American households combined. And at least one, Steven Mnuchin, nominated to be Secretary of the Treasury, appears to be tied to a federal investigation.

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Treasury officials monitored $1 trillion coin media reports closely

Treasury officials monitored $1 trillion coin media reports closely

While the scheme to use a $1 trillion platinum coin to bypass the debt ceiling drama never gathered much steam at the Treasury Department, officials kept close watch on media reports about the concept.

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Beyoncé, Jay-Z Cuba travel documents released by Treasury Department

Beyoncé, Jay-Z Cuba travel documents released by Treasury Department

While Jay-Z and Beyoncé were accused of - and admired for - appearing above the law by spending their wedding anniversary in Cuba in April, it turns out they file the same paperwork as the rest of us.

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