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detainee library
2 Articles

Gaming at Gitmo: a breakdown of Guantanamo Bay’s video game library
JPat Brown
After three years of processing, the Pentagon has finally released its catalogue of video games available to detainees at Guantanamo Bay.

Checking out Guantanamo Bay’s secretive detainee library
At Guantanamo Bay, detainees, awaiting hearings that may never come, have access to a 35,000-item detainee library. But while that library is primarily filled by donations, its acceptance criteria and process - and even its current catalogue - are strange open secrets, viewable in glimpses but guarded against full disclosure.
1 Request
Records Pertaining to the Library at the Detention Facility in Parwan
Muira McCammon sent this request to the United States Central Command - CENTCOM of the United States of America