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Release Notes: Centralized documentation and a new Python wrapper for the MuckRock API

In these release notes, we’ve consolidated all of our documentation into one central location at help.muckrock.com for easier access. Other key updates include the release of a Python wrapper for the new MuckRock API and an update to the Python wrapper for DocumentCloud.

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a diagnola array of stacks of notebooks

Release Notes: Introducing the new DocumentCloud and version 2 of the MuckRock API

The new DocumentCloud is live, featuring a faster, more consistent, and modernized user interface optimized for accessibility and performance. Alongside this, MuckRock is proud to launch version 2 of our MuckRock, offering improved authentication, efficiency, and speed. To support these updates, the new python-squarelet Python library simplifies token management and authentication for both APIs. Additionally, an IPFS/Filecoin Batch Uploader Add-On allows users to upload large document sets more reliably and efficiently.

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A stock photo of a laptop on a neat desk  browsing MuckRock's FOIA Log Explorer

Search across almost 170,000 requests via MuckRock’s expanded FOIA Log Explorer

Over the last few weeks, we have been hard at work on a range of improvements to MuckRock and DocumentCloud, but FOIA fans have something special to celebrate: We’ve imported many of the requests from FOIAonline into a searchable database which allows you to filter, browse and even re-request almost 170,000 requests with just a few clicks.

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Release Notes: Premium Add-On redesign, python-documentcloud drops Python 2 support, and more

Release Notes: Premium Add-On redesign, python-documentcloud drops Python 2 support, and more

The DocumentCloud navigation bar got a redesign, Premium Add-Ons are more prominently displayed, AI credit balances are easier to find, python-documentcloud drops Python 2 support, and Squarelet gives you a notice to contact your admins to approve your request to join an organization.

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Release Notes: MuckRock's new donation page, easier pinning of Add-Ons and stability improvements

Release Notes: MuckRock’s new donation page, easier pinning of Add-Ons and stability improvements

Over the past few weeks, we’ve rolled out a new donation page, just in time for NewsMatch. We’ve also worked to revamp the DocumentCloud homepage with more information, along with adding the ability to pin your favorite DocumentCloud features more easily.

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