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FOIA the Trump Administration

FOIA requests regarding the Trump administration and transition.

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Inside Trump's rushed — and heavily redacted —  visit to CIA headquarters

Inside Trump’s rushed — and heavily redacted — visit to CIA headquarters

Presidential visits, whether to rustic diners or clandestine headquarters, are always both meticulously planned and opportunities for unexpected chaos. When it’s President Trump visiting the CIA, the notoriously tight-lipped staff find themselves wrangling for seats and dealing with logistics that, unsurprisingly, were remarkably fluid for a trip just across the Potomac.

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This week's FOIA roundup: Record wins, Detroit's big, bad neighbor, and taxpayer dollars to Trump

This week’s FOIA roundup: Record wins, Detroit’s big, bad neighbor, and taxpayer dollars to Trump

The weekly roundup of what is or should be public record. Something we missed? Let us know!

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Release the Ukraine emails: Sign the Center for Public Integrity's petition for transparency

Release the Ukraine emails: Sign the Center for Public Integrity’s petition for transparency

The Center of Public Integrity is demanding the release of White House emails about President Donald Trump’s decision to withhold military aid from Ukraine. You can, too.

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FOIAing the Trump Administration: The difficult task of tracking how Trump is profiting from the presidency

FOIAing the Trump Administration: The difficult task of tracking how Trump is profiting from the presidency

With mixed result, FOIA requesters have put a lot of effort into trying to track how Donald Trump is profiting from the presidency. This week, we’ll take a look at what FOIA has and hasn’t been able to reveal about Trump’s profits from foreign emoluments and government agencies’ use of his properties.

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Justice Department confirms "ongoing investigation" into Donald Trump's presidential campaign

Justice Department confirms “ongoing investigation” into Donald Trump’s presidential campaign

Last year, Emma Best filed a FOIA with the FBI for all records on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Within a couple months, the Bureau responded by claiming they couldn’t find anything. Emma appealed, citing the FBI’s public statements - and just this week, the Justice Department confirmed there while there were records, they couldn’t be released on grounds there is an ongoing investigation.

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8 Requests

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