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Chicago Police Department coaches officers on how to avoid the same social media surveillance they themselves employ

Chicago Police Department coaches officers on how to avoid the same social media surveillance they themselves employ

How do police officers lockdown their online presence? A document released by the Chicago Police Department to Lucy Parsons Labs provides clues.

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FBI's investigation into #GamerGate included threats of "nuclear extortion"

FBI’s investigation into #GamerGate included threats of “nuclear extortion”

Back in 2014, MuckRock reported that a request for Federal Bureau of Investigation files on the online movement “#GamerGate” had been rejected on grounds there were ongoing criminal investigations. Several years later, the FBI released a heavily-redacted copy of that file, largely consisting of the Bureau looking to various death threats related to the movement. While details are scarce, a one point it appears as if the threats had escalated to full-blown nuclear retaliation.

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DAPL threat assessment paints nonviolent Standing Rock protestors as unruly mob, defends use of attack dogs as "protection"

DAPL threat assessment paints nonviolent Standing Rock protestors as unruly mob, defends use of attack dogs as “protection”

A threat assessment by a local fusion center on the Standing Rock protests recently released to MuckRock presents a lopsided view of the conflict, with guards and law enforcement subject to unfair treatment on social media for their use of dogs as “protection,” and retaliatory public shaming for racist Facebook posts about Native Americans.

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