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The CIA had after-work skydiving

The CIA had after-work skydiving

Sorry, but your employee softball team is pretty lame compared to what Central Intelligence Agency employees were up to in 1963.

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The Washington Post unwittingly profiled the CIA's 1963 Women's Softball Team

The Washington Post unwittingly profiled the CIA’s 1963 Women’s Softball Team

In 1963, back when it was still known as the “Washington Post and Times-Herald,” DC’s paper of record profiled four teams in the local slow-pitch softball league. Unbeknownst to the author, one of those teams would go on to take home the trophy, and even more unbeknownst was that they’d be taking it home to Langley, as they were CIA’s official team.

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Bowling Undercover: the unique challenges of the CIA's recreational activity leagues

Bowling Undercover: the unique challenges of the CIA’s recreational activity leagues

In most professions, all it takes to form an after-work bowling league is an overly long email chain and some beer money. As a declassified memo unearthed in CREST shows, in the CIA, it’s a lot more complicated. Like, “cover story and security briefing” complicated.

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