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Play the CIA's internal board game depicting the Hunt for El Chapo

Play the CIA’s internal board game depicting the Hunt for El Chapo

Back in December, we wrote about how MuckRock’s Mitchell Kotler used FOIA to get the Central Intelligence Agency to release a number of internal board games used for training exercises. Today we’re looking at another game in the series, which the Agency reproduced in full - “Kingpin: The Hunt for El Chapo.”

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DEA wants $1.4 million before it will begin processing "El Chapo" Guzman docs

DEA wants $1.4 million before it will begin processing “El Chapo” Guzman docs

The DEA have responded a request for records related to the US’s involvement in the detention of Mexican drug lord Joaquin Guzman with a $1.4 million price tag. The seven-figure sum would need to be paid in full before the DEA would begin processing the request.

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