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Fedetal agency email metadata

This project asks for all email metadata of emails to/from Federal agencies, including intranet emails.

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3 Articles

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Release Notes: Subject lines persist in follow up emails to agencies

Release Notes: Subject lines persist in follow up emails to agencies

Last week, Advay Mengle submitted a pull request that helpfully includes prior subject lines in emailed communications. We’ve also got a test version of a new Assignments landing page that better highlights recent contributions and open Assignments you can help.

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Court rules CIA must search emails, even if you can't read agency's mind

Court rules CIA must search emails, even if you can’t read agency’s mind

Represented by National Security Counselors, MuckRock’s lawsuit over the Central Intelligence Agency’s CREST database continues to pay dividends. The most recent win: A ruling that the CIA can’t require you to know both who sent and received an email when requesting electronic records.

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Why emails should be subject to FOIA, explained

Why emails should be subject to FOIA, explained

As much as journalists hate to admit it, FOIA is not really for them. FOIA is for the public, ensuring that voters have meaningful oversight of work done in their name. Giving a blanket exemption to emails, Slack chats, and other “conversational” communication tools would disastrously break that oversight — and undermine the ongoing American experiment of an informed democracy.

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104 Requests

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