12451 Tags
emergency response
1 Article

Cuts to the Lawrence Fire Department pushed costs onto property owners
In 2005, the average fire in Lawrence, Massachusetts caused $8,835 in property damage - just slightly above the state average of $7,706. Only 3 years later, that number jumped to $18,936. What happened?
13 Requests
No Responsive Documents
Alexandria Transfer Center Emergency Plans
Beryl Lipton sent this request to the Alexandria Police Department of Alexandria, LA
Chester Fire Department Call Sheets, Participation Reports, and Truck Checks
Kevin J Dolan sent this request to the Town Of Chester Nh of Chester, NH
No Responsive Documents
Emergency plans re: Allen Correctional Center
Beryl Lipton sent this request to the Kinder Police Department of Kinder, LA
Emergency plans re: Arizona State Prison - Florence West
Beryl Lipton sent this request to the Florence Police Department of Florence, AZ
Emergency plans re: Arizona State Prison - Phoenix West
Beryl Lipton sent this request to the Phoenix Police Department of Phoenix, AZ