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executive order

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The Trump administration orders government to speed up its use of AI

The Trump administration orders government to speed up its use of AI

The United States is committing to a broad program of artificial intelligence to maintain the country’s industry lead and modernize the military, the White House announced in an Executive Order issued by President Donald Trump on February 11th.

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The CIA studied the impact of space storms on psychic powers

The CIA studied the impact of space storms on psychic powers

When then-President Barack Obama signed an Executive Order on geomagnetic storm preparedness, spiritual side effects of space weather events were criminally neglected. Apparently the Central Intelligence Agency took the issue of solar flare-induced psychic phenomena more seriously, however, dedicating part of of its 824 page risk report on it.

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We don't know who's heading up Trump's deregulation teams

We don’t know who’s heading up Trump’s deregulation teams

Two months after the deadline set via President Trump’s Executive Order 13777 directing the departments of the federal government to create Regulatory Reform Task Forces, many agencies have still not made public the members comprising the new groups. So who will be deciding which regulations make the cut? Right now, we don’t know.

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Trump’s Regulatory Reform teams prepare for action

Trump’s Regulatory Reform teams prepare for action

The President wants to see fewer federal regulations and has issued multiple Executive Orders to that effect. But the one-in-two-out approach may leave rules with important intentions on the chopping block.

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