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exemption (b)(7)(e)

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FBI circumvents FOIA laws by claiming info about FOIA processing would result in people circumventing the law

FBI circumvents FOIA laws by claiming info about FOIA processing would result in people circumventing the law

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been on a hot streak of terrible FOIA responses lately, and a series of heavily-redacted releases from this week shows that things are even worse when the FBI is dealing with FOIA requests about how the FBI handles FOIA requests.

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Pentagon claims list of information exempt from FOIA is exempt from FOIA

Pentagon claims list of information exempt from FOIA is exempt from FOIA

Earlier this year, Emma Best filed a Freedom of Information Act request for a copy of the Department of Defense’s most recent declassification guide, with the goal of better understanding what the Pentagon believes can or can’t be released to the public. Just this week, the guide came in but with one notable omission: the entire section on what the Pentagon believes can or can’t be released to the public

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