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FBI's investigation into #GamerGate included threats of "nuclear extortion"

FBI’s investigation into #GamerGate included threats of “nuclear extortion”

Back in 2014, MuckRock reported that a request for Federal Bureau of Investigation files on the online movement “#GamerGate” had been rejected on grounds there were ongoing criminal investigations. Several years later, the FBI released a heavily-redacted copy of that file, largely consisting of the Bureau looking to various death threats related to the movement. While details are scarce, a one point it appears as if the threats had escalated to full-blown nuclear retaliation.

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FBI investigated a death threat against women's rights activist Betty Friedan by Leon Trotsky

FBI investigated a death threat against women’s rights activist Betty Friedan by Leon Trotsky

As a prominent figure in the women’s liberation movement during the 1960s and 1970s, Betty Friedan was not without critics. And as her FBI file shows, on at least one occasion a scheduled speech resulted in a bomb threat mailed to her home.

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Barbara Hammer

Nicholas Marritz sent this request to the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States of America