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Exploring the future of policing at the International Association of Chiefs of Police Expo

Exploring the future of policing at the International Association of Chiefs of Police Expo

Last week, Curtis Waltman was given the opportunity to travel to Philadelphia, where the International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference was being held. If you’ve ever wondered what a police trade show is like, you’re about to find out.

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Counterinsurgency on the Reservation: A return to Standing Rock Part 2

Counterinsurgency on the Reservation: A return to Standing Rock Part 2

Thanks to a generous grant from the Fund for Investigative Journalism, Curtis Waltman was able to return to the Dakotas as part of his ongoing project on the impact of police militarization. Here’s a short travelogue of what he heard, saw, and did.

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Counterinsurgency on the Reservation: A return to Standing Rock Part 1

Counterinsurgency on the Reservation: A return to Standing Rock Part 1

Thanks to a generous grant from the Fund for Investigative Journalism, Curtis Waltman was able to return to the Dakotas as part of his ongoing project on the impact of police militarization. Here’s a short travelogue of what he heard, saw, and did.

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MuckRock’s Curtis Waltman is returning to Standing Rock

MuckRock’s Curtis Waltman is returning to Standing Rock

This Sunday, I will board a plane and fly to Bismarck, North Dakota once again. I am asking readers of MuckRock to contribute either their own voices to my research, or to connect me with folks in either of the Dakotas that may be willing to speak with me - particularly people who live either on Reservations or are connected to the Indigenous communities that protested for their water source and their continued survival.

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Reflections on Standing Rock

Reflections on Standing Rock

Thanks to a grant from the Fund for Investigative Journalism, I had the privilege of visiting both North and South Dakota and speak with witnesses and victims of the widespread police violence that occurred on the north border of the Standing Rock Reservation. There will be plenty of follow-up in the weeks to come, but while the memory’s still fresh, I wanted to share an initial reflection from traveling to the treaty lands of the Dakotas.

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